A rather comprehensive and constantly updated overview on the film and audiovisual industry, on any other collective rights management organisations, plus the relevant links is available on
respect ©opyright!
The project respect ©opyright! provides pupils and teachers alike with an interesting and lively introduction to copyright, and entices them to deepen this subject further as part of their lessons.
The Swiss collective management rights organisations, ProLitteris, SSA, SUISA, Suissimage and SWISSPERFORM are committed to ensure that people active in the creative and cultural sectors get a fair remuneration for the exploitation of their works in Switzerland. For more information on their tasks and activities, please visit their joint website
ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number) is a voluntary numbering system for the identification of audiovisual works. It provides a unique, internationally recognized and permanent reference number (ISO certified) for each audiovisual work registered in the ISAN system.
We can register your audiovisual works in the global ISAN database for you!